

Creating a Package

To create a new package, run the create-espkg command followed by the name of the directory where you want to create the package. If you don't provide a directory name, it will prompt you for a package name and create a folder with that name.

# Create a new package in a specified directory
create-espkg your-package-name
# Or, simply run the command and it will prompt you for the package name

If you're using npx, the command will look like this:

# Create a new package using npx
npx create-espkg your-package-name
# Or, run npx and follow the prompts
npx create-espkg

Template Options

After you initiate the command, you will be prompted to select a template. You can choose from the following options:

  1. javascript (with types): This template sets up a basic JavaScript project with TypeScript support and includes tools like Jest for testing and esbuild for bundling.

  2. react-next (with types): This template sets up a React project with Next.js and TypeScript, including all necessary dependencies and dev tools.


  1. Run the command:


    or using npx:

    npx create-espkg
  2. Provide the requested information (package name, author name, and select a template).

  3. The tool will create a new directory with the package name, copy the template files, and install the required dependencies.

  4. Your new project is now ready to go!