JavaScript (With Types)

JavaScript (with types) Template

The JavaScript (with types) template provided by create-espkg is designed to help you quickly set up a npm package that uses TypeScript for type safety. This template includes essential configurations and boilerplate code to get you started on your project immediately.

Project Structure

Here's an overview of the project structure you'll get when you use the JavaScript (with types) template:


├── build.js
├── jest.config.js
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── src/
│   ├── index.ts
│   ├── main.ts
│   ├── libs/
│   │   └── lib-example.ts
│   ├── types.ts
│   └── utils/
│       └── util-example.ts
└── test/
    └── index.test.ts

Files and Directories

  • LICENSE: A placeholder license file. Make sure to update this with your preferred license.

  • The main documentation file for your project. It currently serves as a placeholder, so be sure to update it with details about your project.

  • build.js: This file is configured to build your project using esbuild, a fast bundler and minifier for JavaScript and TypeScript.

  • jest.config.js: Configuration file for running tests using Jest. Jest is a popular testing framework for JavaScript applications.

  • package.json: The main configuration file for your Node.js package. It contains metadata about your project, scripts, dependencies, and more. The template automatically customizes this file based on the information you provide during setup.

  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file that specifies the compiler options. Even though the project is written in JavaScript, this configuration is included to enable type-checking and other TypeScript features.

  • src/: This directory contains the source code for your project:

    • index.ts: The entry point of your package.
    • main.ts: A sample main file, where the core logic of your application can reside.
    • libs/: A directory for library or utility functions.
    • types.ts: A file for defining TypeScript types used in the project.
    • utils/: A directory for utility functions, such as reusable code snippets or helpers.
  • test/: This directory contains test files:

    • index.test.ts: A sample test file using Jest to test your code.


The package.json file includes some predefined scripts to help you manage your project:

  • build: Runs the build.js script to bundle your project.
  • test: Runs Jest tests defined in the test/ directory.

You can run these scripts using npm or yarn:

npm run build
npm test


After creating your project with create-espkg and the JavaScript (with types) template, you can start adding your JavaScript/Typescript code in the src/ directory. You can organize your code by creating additional files or folders as needed.

You can also customize the package.json, tsconfig.json, and other configuration files to suit your project's specific needs.

Installation and Dependencies

The template comes pre-configured with a set of dependencies and development dependencies:

  • TypeScript: TypeScript is included for type safety.
  • Jest: For writing and running tests.
  • esbuild: For fast and efficient bundling of your JavaScript/TypeScript code.
  • @types/node and @types/jest: TypeScript type definitions for Node.js and Jest, respectively.

To install these dependencies, simply navigate to your project directory and run:

npm install


The JavaScript (with types) template is designed to give you a head start in creating a robust, type-safe npm package. It includes everything you need to get started with development and testing, allowing you to focus on writing great code.